Hi Matthew,
I really appreciated that you took the time to answer my article. I have received several responses, and all of them were very interesting. I would concur with your assessment that there was a dark an occult element in the subversion and the vilification of the swastika. The inversion process is diabolical, meaning the inversion of the symbol’s value, and denies the symbol (which works ‘with’ us) its redeeming quality. So were the nazis a sort of a cult composed of dark magicians seeking to overthrow the beauty, the compassion, the love found in the world? Actually their movement was bipolar, always esoteric and political at the same time. While von List, von Liebenfels and von Sebottendorff were mostly ‘magicians’, ‘pseudo druidic entities’, Hitler and the nazis were warriors and leaders combining the magic with the sword. Their evil enterprise was conceived with the deliberate aim to decimate as many populations as possible and ignite the largest pyre the world had ever experienced. They sacrificed ( in the symbolic sense of the word ) seventy-five million lives to the altar of the evil god they answered to. It may have been Wotan, or any other name; what is important is that this was a holocaust not different than Baal’s or Marduk’s sacrificial ceremonies. The subversion of the swastika goes back a long, long time ago in the dark recess of primitive beliefs.