Hi, Congratulations on your thoughtful piece. I believe that the treasure is either a hoax, or is hidden in Yellowstone Park where he spent a lot of time in multiple occasions or, as you have it, in an easy to reach location, for an 80 year old person not too distant from where he lives. He knows that people will take risks to try to find the box because that’s what humans are willing to do for a treasure, the promise of finding one. He has been informed of the deaths of some of these modern ‘pirates’ searching his treasure but he probably thinks that it’s part of the game. If you want Blackbeard’s treasure you should know what you will face while pursuing that quest. Is Fenn a sort of a modern Pyrate of the Carribean? He certainly embodies the type of adventurer we’d expect to sail aboard a classic schooner in the treacherous waters of the Gulf under the midnight moon. But in the end I am only half convinced that the treasure was buried out there, as the clues are so vague that they could point to any location on Earth, and I think he has hidden his box somewhere or left it in a bank vault when he thought he was going to die. Last but not least, we may never know if there was a treasure or it was found because a potential discoverer will not share the information and maybe not even with Mr. Fenn. This could have happened already and Fenn would have no idea that the treasure has been found by one of the people who stepped 200 feet from it, as per Mr. Fenn’s confirmation. There are many other outcomes or variations on these possibilities that could fill a very large novel indeed. I still wish good luck to all those who have the courage and or the naivety to look for the most improbable treasure of recent times.